Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why my blog is named 'Parrot Tongue'

Why would I name my blog 'Parrot Tongue?'
To be honest, the name 'Parrot Tongue' just came to me. I have been thinking about doing a blog for some time, but didn't know what to write about. I finally decided to write my commentary on the world around me, specifically those things I am most interested in: public relations, pop culture, social media, news, religion.
As I considered the fact that I wanted to do commentary, the first thing that came to mind was a parrot. I find it fascinating that a bird has the ability to mimic the sound of human words. I realized that by sharing my opinions and talking about things being discussed and observed around me, I am doing exactly what a parrot does.
So why parrot tongue? Well, many blogs have interesting and catchy names. I wanted mine to be the same. I liked the idea of a parrot, but parrot by itself wasn't compelling enough. And I didn't like 'Parrot Voice Box.' So I decided on 'Parrot Tongue.'
Before I assigned this name to my blog, I decided to look up that phrase to see if there was anything else with the name 'parrot tongue.' I didn't find any blogs or websites, but I did find an article that describes a study done at a university in the Netherlands where researchers discovered that parrots, like humans, use both their voice box and their tongue to speak. (Here's the link in case you are interested: After this discovery, I spent the day mulling over the name, and the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. I liked it so much, in fact, that I skipped doing some homework to sit down and start my blog.
This may not ever become a world-famous blog, but I hope it does provide entertainment and discourse to all those who venture through it. Thanks for reading.
Parrot Tongue

1 comment:

  1. Nice Reasoning and very creative. RANDOM THOUGHT: As your blog develops, I highly suggest creating your own personal Parrot logo/banner to help brand your blog further.

    And you can use the logo option as your twitter pic as well, which is coincidentally how I found your blog, lol! But that will help to further initiate your brand.
